GLAUCOMA – A Silent Thief of Sight (A Radio Talk) काला मोतिया – निगाह का चुप-चुपीता चोर
Care of EYE From SMOG Pollution स्मोग से आँखो का बचाव
Independence Day Celebrations at Sri Onkar Hospital, Ambala.
Smiley for a Walk !!
What are Adenoids – Explained in simple Hindi बच्चों में खराटे. मुह खोल के सोना
Endonasal DCR (Rt)
Endoscopic Management of Epistaxis
EAR DRUM SURGERY (Tympanoplasty with Mastoid Exploration) in 4K (watch at highest resolution)
Ear Drum (Temporalis Fascia) Grafting in 4K
Exposed Mastoid Antrum & High Jugular Bulb
Ear Canal Osteoma Excision HD
Facial Nerve Horizontal Segment in 4K
Surgical Treatment Option for Mucosalization of Ear Drum
Ear Surgery (Tympanoplasty) Part 2 (Harvesting the Graft) 4k