All Eye Care Facilities Under One Roof
In today’s fast-paced world, convenience and efficiency are key. When it comes to eye care, having all facilities under one roof can make a significant difference in the quality of care and patient experience. Sri Onkar EYE & ENT Care Centre is a pioneering institution that offers a comprehensive range of eye care services under one roof. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of having all eye care facilities under one roof and what sets Sri Onkar EYE & ENT Care Centre apart.
Glaucoma Treatment in Ambala
Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that can lead to vision loss if left untreated. At Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre in Ambala, patients receive expert care for glaucoma under the guidance of Dr. Jaspreet Aggarwal, a highly experienced ophthalmologist with over 16 years in the field.
Eye Doctor in Ambala
Dr. Jaspreet Aggarwal, a Consultant Ophthalmologist at Sri Onkar Eye and ENT Care Centre, Ambala City, boasts over 16 years of experience. Holding degrees in MBBS, DOMS, and DNB (Ophthalmology), she is renowned for her expertise in eye care. Dr. Aggarwal has undergone specialized training in phaco cataract surgery and lasers for diabetic retinopathy. Her interests include cornea and refractive diseases, as well as managing diabetic retinopathy. With her extensive background and dedication to advanced treatments, Dr. Aggarwal provides top-notch care for a wide range of eye conditions, ensuring the
Hearing Loss Infants
Hearing loss can occur in infants at birth or later in life. In fact, 1–2 in 1,000 babies are born with permanent hearing loss in one or both ears. Early detection can help babies develop language, speech, and communication skills, and improve their relationships with family and caregivers.
Independence Day Celebrated at Sri Onkar ENT Care Centre
Sri Onkar celebrated Independence Day with a spirited flag hoisting, inspiring speeches, and cultural performances, bringing together everyone in a heartfelt tribute to India's freedom and unity.
कान में तेल डालने से बचें
हमारी दादी और नानी अक्सर यह सलाह देती हैं कि बच्चों के कान में तेल डालना चाहिए. लेकिन, क्या विज्ञान भी इस बात का समर्थन करता है? लेकिन विशेषज्ञों का कहना है कि बच्चों के कान में तेल डालना सही नहीं है क्योंकि इससे कान में इन्फेक्शन हो सकता है. तेल में मौजूद बैक्टेरिया कान के अंदर जाकर संक्रमण बढ़ा सकते हैं, और तेल से कान में धूल-मिट्टी भी जमा हो सकती है, जिससे संक्रमण की समस्या गंभीर हो सकती है
Precautions after Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery is a common and effective procedure to restore clear vision. Post-surgery care is crucial for a successful recovery and long-term eye health. This article highlights essential dos and don’ts to follow after cataract surgery.
Top 5 ENT Hospitals in Ambala
Sri Onkar Eye and ENT Care Centre stands out in Ambala for its exceptional care in both eye and ENT specialties. This well-regarded clinic offers a range of advanced treatments for various ENT conditions, including hearing disorders, nasal issues, and throat problems. The facility is equipped with the latest diagnostic tools and treatment technologies, ensuring precise and effective care. The experienced medical team at Sri Onkar is dedicated to providing personalized and compassionate care, addressing each patient’s unique needs. With a strong reputation for quality and reliability, this center is
Migraine Treatment Experts in Ambala
Sri Onkar EYE & ENT Care Centre in Ambala is a top resource for migraine treatment. The center provides comprehensive care, combining advanced diagnostic tools and personalized treatment plans to manage and alleviate migraine symptoms effectively. Led by experienced specialists, the clinic offers a range of options, including medication, lifestyle modifications, and preventive strategies, tailored to each patient’s needs.
Sri Onkar EYE & ENT Care Centre Check-Up Timings
To find the check-up timings for Sri Onkar EYE & ENT Care Centre, you can usually refer to the hospital’s official website, contact them directly, or check local listings. As of the latest information
Diabetic Retinopathy in Ambala
Diabetic retinopathy is a serious eye condition that occurs as a complication of diabetes, affecting the retina's blood vessels. The condition progresses in stages, starting with mild damage and potentially leading to severe vision loss.
Retinal Detachment Treatment in Ambala
Retinal detachment if caused is a condition where the delicate tissue at the back of the eye becomes detached from its normal position, leading to a loss of vision. Without prompt treatment, these small holes can rapidly progress, causing severe vision impairment or even blindness.
Best ENT Doctor in Ambala, Best ENT Doctor in Ambala Cantyt, Best ENT Doctor in Ambala City, Best ENT hospital in Ambala, Children ENT Specialist in Ambala, Dr. Jaspreet Aggarwal, ENT doctor in Ambala, ENT hospital in Ambala, ENT specialist in Ambala, ENT Specialist in Chandigarh, ENT Specialist in Delhi, ENT Specialist in Haryana, ENT Specialist in India, ENT Specialist in Punjab, Eye Hospital in Ambala, Nose Treatments in Ambala, Otolaryngologist in Ambala, Sinus Doctor in Ambala, Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre
Glaucoma Treatment in Ambala
जब ड्रेनेज कैनाल में ब्लॉकेज होता है, तो आंख के अंदरी द्रव जो आंख से बाहर निकलता है, वह प्राकृतिक रूप से संचित होता है। इससे आंख के अंदरी दबाव बढ़ जाता है, जिससे ऑप्टिक नर्व (नेत्रीय नर्व) को नुकसान हो सकता है। यदि इसे सही समय पर नहीं संभाला जाता, तो यह नेत्रीय नर्व को प्रभावित करके दृष्टि को प्रभावित कर सकता है और ग्लौकोमा के लक्षणों को उत्पन्न कर सकता है।
Best ENT Doctor in Ambala, Best ENT Doctor in Ambala Cantyt, Best ENT Doctor in Ambala City, Best ENT hospital in Ambala, Dr. Jaspreet Aggarwal, Ear Cholesteatoma, Ear Surgery in Ambala, Ear treatments in Ambala, ENT doctor in Ambala, ENT hospital in Ambala, ENT specialist in Ambala, ENT Specialist in Punjab, Eye Hospital in Ambala, Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre
Most affordable cataract surgery at lowest prices in Ambala
The center’s commitment to affordability does not mean a compromise in quality. Instead, it reflects a focus on providing accessible and efficient eye care to a broad range of patients. The center’s advanced technology, combined with Dr. Aggarwal’s expertise, allows for minimally invasive surgeries with quicker recovery times and excellent outcomes.
Pink Eye / Conjunctivitis Treatment in Ambala
Pink Eye is an inflammation of the transparent membrane that lines the eyelid and eyeball. This membrane is called the conjunctiva. When small blood vessels in the conjunctiva become swollen and irritated, they’re more visible. This is what causes the whites of the eyes to appear reddish or pink. Pink eye also is called conjunctivitis.
Register For Blood Donation Camp in Ambala City
Fill the following form to get register [contact-form-7 id="12203" title="Blood Donation Camp"]
Blood Donation Camp in Ambala City
Upcoming Events in Ambala Blood Donation Camp in Ambala City at Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre Location: Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre, Opposite old session court petrol pump, 1402/677, New model colony, Ambala City (134003), Haryana, India Timings: 10AM to 2PM Contact: 8950960519, 9992677373
Best ENT Doctor in Ambala, Best ENT Doctor in Ambala City, Best ENT hospital in Ambala, Ear Surgery in Ambala, Ear treatments in Ambala, ENT doctor in Ambala, ENT hospital in Ambala, ENT specialist in Ambala, ENT Specialist in Chandigarh, ENT Specialist in Delhi, ENT Specialist in Haryana, ENT Specialist in India, ENT Specialist in Kaithal, ENT Specialist in Kurukshetra, ENT Specialist in Punjab, Hearing Loss Treatment in Ambala, Otolaryngologist in Ambala, Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre
Hearing Loss in Old Age | Hearing Loss Treatment in Ambala
Ignoring hearing loss is a common mistake which has many avoidable, deleterious consequences. Hearing loss treatment, especially in age related hearing loss is not only necessary but also very easy and effective in most cases. Remember : hearing aid changes life.
We are hiring | Jobs in Ambala | Computer Operator Job In Ambala
Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre, one of the best ENT hospital in Ambala is hiring for Computer Operator. The candidate must have good knowledge of reading & writing English language. Sri Onkar Eye & ENT care Centre is offering a highly professional working environment with tremendous opportunity to learn new things and grow. We are offering best salary in the segment. So if you are in Ambala and looking for a job, Apply now. Following are job details and related information: Job Type: Computer Operator Cum Receptionist Pay Scale: 8000 to 10000 Experience Required:
Best ENT Doctor in Ambala, Best ENT Doctor in Ambala Cantyt, Best ENT Doctor in Ambala City, Best ENT hospital in Ambala, ENT doctor in Ambala, ENT hospital in Ambala, ENT specialist in Ambala, ENT Specialist in Chandigarh, ENT Specialist in Delhi, ENT Specialist in Haryana, ENT Specialist in India, ENT Specialist in Kaithal, ENT Specialist in Kurukshetra, ENT Specialist in Punjab
Five Most Common ENT Problems of Summer Months
Season changes brings various health problems. Today we are going to talk about Five most common ENT problems of summer months.
ब्लैक फंगस क्या है? किसको है अधिक खतरा? लक्षण क्या हैं? इंफेक्शन के बाद क्या करें?
कोविड-19 (Covid-19) के बाद ब्लैक फंगस (Black Fungus) ने भारत में डर का माहौल गहरा दिया है। इसकी गंभीरता को देखते हुए कई राज्य सरकारों ने इसे भी महामारी घोषित कर दिया है। लेकिन, आखिर यह ब्लैक फंगस क्या है और क्या इसके कारण, लक्षण व इलाज (Black Fungus treatment) के बारे में हमारे पास पर्याप्त जानकारी मौजूद है या फिर हम सिर्फ इसके नाम यानी म्यूकॉरमायकोसिस (Mucormycosis) के अलावा कुछ नहीं जानते। आइए विस्तार से जानते हैं।
Swimmer’s Ear | Otitis Externa
Otitis Externa (“swimmer’s ear”), is easily the most frequently seen ENT problem related to water activities. Pain in the ear with blockage and often drainage are hallmarks of this problem.
गर्मी में नकसीर फूटने पर करें ये आसान उपाय
नाक के अंदर मौजूद सतह की खून की वाहिनियां फटने के कारण नकसीर की समस्या होती है. हालांकि यह एक आम समस्या है. लेकिन यदि बार-बार नकसीर का होना सेहत के लिहाज से ठीक नहीं है. इसका उपचार आवश्यक है. चिलचिलाती धूप और गर्मी मे कुछ लोगों को नाक से खून बहने की शिकायत होती है. नाक से खून आने को नकसीर कहते हैं. गर्मी में अकसर नकसीर की परेशानी होती है. कुछ लोगों को गर्म चीजे खाने से भी नकसीर आती है. बार-बार नाक से खून आना या नकसीर बहना
Best ENT hospital in Ambala, Children ENT Specialist in Ambala, Ear Surgery in Ambala, Ear treatments in Ambala, ENT doctor in Ambala, ENT hospital in Ambala, ENT specialist in Ambala, Nose Treatments in Ambala, Otolaryngologist in Ambala, Paediatric Ear Treatment in Ambala, Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre
Nose Bleed: How to manage Epistaxis?
Rupturing of tiny blood vessels inside the nose is the main reason of nose bleeding(Epistaxis). One of the most frightening sites for a parent is to see their child bleed from the nose.
Tonsil Treatment | Tonsil Infection Treatment | Explained in Hindi
टॉन्सिल्स हमारे भारत में होने वाली सबसे आम समस्याओं में से एक है और ज्यादातर लोगों को पता नहीं होता की दरअसल टॉसिल्स सूजते क्यों हैं? यहां इस लेख में हमने टॉन्सिल्स (Tonsils meaning in Hindi) के बारे में पूरा विवरण दिया है- यह कैसे और क्यों होता है और इसका इलाज कैसे किया जा सकता है।
Covid-19 Vaccination Centre in Ambala
We feel proud to announce that Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre the best ENT hospital in Ambala City has got authorization from the government to conduct the COVID-19 Vaccination program at its premises. We are a full NABH accredited hospital that is offering quality patient care. We are also known as one of the best ENT hospitals in the whole Ambala Cantt and Ambala City.
Best ENT hospital in Ambala, Ear Cholesteatoma, Ear Surgery in Ambala, Ear treatments in Ambala, ENT doctor in Ambala, ENT hospital in Ambala, ENT specialist in Ambala, Middle ear infection treatment, Otitis Media Treatment, Otolaryngologist in Ambala, Perforated Eardrum, Ruptured Eardrum, Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre
Micro Ear Surgery
Microscopic surgery is the gold standard for surgeries of the middle ear, mastoid, and lateral skull base. In India, microscopic ear surgery is performed at a very high level, with very good results with respect to the control of pathologies and hearing function.
Paediatric Ear Care: What Parents Need To Know
Ears are critical parts of the body, contributing to both communication and balance. If neglected, these necessary appendages can lead to developmental problems in little ones, from mobility to speech and interaction issues. The remainder of this blog will discuss the ears function and design, but more importantly, how to care for kids’ ears, ensuring healthy growth and development of proper motor and speech skills.
सेप्टोप्लास्टी क्या है? | Septoplasty in Hindi | Deviated Nasal Septum
सेप्टोप्लास्टी एक तरह की सर्जिकल प्रक्रिया है जिसमे टेढ़ी नाक को दुबारा सीधा किया जाता है। मनुष्य के नाक में दो नॉस्ट्रिल्स होते है और दोनों के मध्य में सेप्टम हड्डी होती है। यदि यह अपने जगह से खिसक जाये तो मनुष्य को अनेक कठिनाई का सामना करना पड़ता है। जैसे साइनस का खतरा व सांस लेने में तकलीफ होती है। इसके अलावा नाक में चोट लग जाने पर यह सर्जरी की जा सकती है। कुछ मामलो में प्रक्रिया के दौरान टेढ़ी हड्डी को काटा जा सकता है ताकि पुनः
सामान्य कान के रोग – Ear Disease in Hindi
कान की कई अलग-अलग प्रकार की समस्याएं हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, कान का दर्द, कान में संक्रमण, ग्लू ईयर। कुछ लोग कान की बीमारी के साथ ही पैदा होते हैं जबकि अन्य को समय के साथ धीरे-धीरे कान के रोग हो सकते हैं। संक्रमण और कैंसर भी श्रवण हानि का कारण बन सकते हैं। कान की बीमारियां विशेष रूप से चिंताजनक होती हैं क्योंकि वे दर्द और असुविधा या यहां तक कि गंभीर श्रवण हानि का कारण बन सकती हैं। कान की बीमारियों के लक्षणों को पहचानना उचित और तत्काल
Ear wax removal in Ambala
Are you looking for Ear wax removal in Ambala? Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre Offers the most advanced Microscopic assisted ear wax removal technique which gives 100% clean ears without making you uncomfortable
Ear Cholesteatoma surgery in Ambala | बहते कान का इलाज़
कान की बनावट का आधार है टेम्पोरल हड्डी। इससे जुुड़ा होता है कान का बाहरी हिस्सा, कान की नली व पर्दा, सुनने की तीन हड्डियां। इनमें रुकावट आने पर सुनाई देने में कमी, हल्का दर्द या मवाद, कॉलेस्टेटोमा(Ear Cholesteatoma) रोग का कारण बनती हैं।
Ear Piercing in Ambala
Ear piercing must be done by an ENT specialist only and with proper instruments. The studs must be sterile and made to open just before piercing. You must also make sure to keep the area clean for one to two weeks. Only a good ENT Surgeon can do that.
Middle Ear Infection in Children | Otitis media in children
Middle ear infection, also called otitis media, can be painful for children. This infection is caused when the fluid draining from your child’s ear gets blocked. This may happen when your child has a cold, allergy, or the flu. The fluid build-up lets bacteria grow and puts pressure on your child’s eardrum.
Tympanoplasty Surgery in Ambala
Tympanoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to reconstruct the eardrum when it has been badly torn or perforated(hole in the eardrum). The eardrum, a membrane between the outer ear and middle ear, also known as the tympanic membrane
Ruptured Eardrum Treatment in Ambala | Perforated Eardrum
What is a ruptured eardrum/perforated eardrum? Your eardrum is a thin membrane between your outer and middle ear. Sound waves entering your ear cause the membrane to vibrate. This helps you hear. An injury or infection can cause your eardrum to tear (rupture). This creates a hole (perforation) that may affect your hearing. A ruptured eardrum (tympanic membrane perforation) can result in hearing loss. It can also make your middle ear vulnerable to infections. A ruptured eardrum usually heals within a few weeks without treatment. But sometimes it requires a patch or surgical
ENT specialist in Ambala
Dr. Rishi Gautam Aggarwal is one of the most famous ENT specialists in Ambala. He is an ENT surgeon. He is the medical director & Chief ENT surgeon at Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre - Ambala City.
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Home remedies for sinus infection
A sinus infection has similar symptoms to a common cold. The big difference between the two is how long those symptoms linger. Sinusitis symptoms typically last no longer than 10 days. Chronic sinusitis can last for 12 weeks or longer.
Best ENT hospital in Ambala, ENT doctor in Ambala, ENT hospital in Ambala, ENT specialist in Ambala, Otolaryngologist in Ambala, Sinus Doctor in Ambala, Sinus Surgery, Sinus Treatment, Sinus Treatment in Ambala, Sinusitis Surgery, Sinusitis Treatment, Sinusitis Treatment in Ambala, Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre, Uncategorized
Sinus Infection Treatment in Haryana
साइनस (Sinus) को ज्यादातर लोग एलर्जी के रूप में देखते हैं क्योंकि इसकी वजह से उन्हें धूल, मिट्ठी, धुंआ इत्यादि की वजह से सांस लेने में परेशानी होती है। लेकिन, यह मात्र एलर्जी नहीं है बल्कि नाक की मुख्य बीमारी है, जो मुख्य रूप से नाक की हड्डी के बढ़ने या तिरछी होने की वजह से होती है।
Best ENT hospital in Ambala, ENT doctor in Ambala, ENT hospital in Ambala, ENT specialist in Ambala, Otolaryngologist in Ambala, Sinus Doctor in Ambala, Sinus Surgery, Sinus Treatment, Sinus Treatment in Ambala, Sinusitis Surgery, Sinusitis Treatment, Sinusitis Treatment in Ambala, Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre
Sinusitis treatment in Ambala
Chronic sinusitis is not usually bacterial in nature, so antibiotics are unlikely to resolve symptoms. A fungal infection can be treated with antifungal drugs. Corticosteroid sprays can help in recurrent cases, but these need a prescription and medical supervision. And the final solution is surgery.
Best ENT hospital in Ambala, ENT doctor in Ambala, ENT hospital in Ambala, ENT specialist in Ambala, Otolaryngologist in Ambala, Sinus Doctor in Ambala, Sinus Surgery, Sinus Treatment, Sinus Treatment in Ambala, Sinusitis Surgery, Sinusitis Treatment, Sinusitis Treatment in Ambala, Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre
Sinus treatment in Ambala
Are you looking for sinus treatment in Ambala or Haryana? Do you have a runny nose, stuffy nose, facial pain or pressure, headache, mucus dripping down, the throat (post-nasal drip), sore throat, cough, bad breath? Are you taking antibiotics to come out of this situation? Be careful what you think is a common cold or viral infection could be a serious Sinus Infection problem. Most of the time sinus problem stay undiagnosed, the problem which could be handled with proper medication become so large that it requires surgery because when
Vertigo treatment in Ambala
आपने कभी न कभी महसूस किया ही होगा कि अचानक से आपकी आंखों के आगे अंधेरा-सा छा गया हो, फिर चाहे आप बैठे हों या खड़े हों। साथ ही कभी न कभी आपको ऐसा भी लगा होगा कि अचानक आपका सिर घूमने लगा है। अगर हां, तो यह चक्कर आने के लक्षण हैं।