Tympanoplasty Surgery in Ambala
Tympanoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to reconstruct the eardrum when it has been badly torn or perforated(hole in the eardrum). The eardrum, a membrane between the outer ear and middle ear, also known as the tympanic membrane
Ruptured Eardrum Treatment in Ambala | Perforated Eardrum
What is a ruptured eardrum/perforated eardrum? Your eardrum is a thin membrane between your outer and middle ear. Sound waves entering your ear cause the membrane to vibrate. This helps you hear. An injury or infection can cause your eardrum to
ENT specialist in Ambala
Dr. Rishi Gautam Aggarwal is one of the most famous ENT specialists in Ambala. He is an ENT surgeon. He is the medical director & Chief ENT surgeon at Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre - Ambala City.
Home remedies for sinus infection
A sinus infection has similar symptoms to a common cold. The big difference between the two is how long those symptoms linger. Sinusitis symptoms typically last no longer than 10 days. Chronic sinusitis can last for 12 weeks or longer.
Sinus Infection Treatment in Haryana
साइनस (Sinus) को ज्यादातर लोग एलर्जी के रूप में देखते हैं क्योंकि इसकी वजह से उन्हें धूल, मिट्ठी, धुंआ इत्यादि की वजह से सांस लेने में परेशानी होती है। लेकिन, यह मात्र एलर्जी नहीं है बल्कि नाक की मुख्य बीमारी
Sinusitis treatment in Ambala
Chronic sinusitis is not usually bacterial in nature, so antibiotics are unlikely to resolve symptoms. A fungal infection can be treated with antifungal drugs. Corticosteroid sprays can help in recurrent cases, but these need a prescription and medical supervision. And
Sinus treatment in Ambala
Are you looking for sinus treatment in Ambala or Haryana? Do you have a runny nose, stuffy nose, facial pain or pressure, headache, mucus dripping down, the throat (post-nasal drip), sore throat, cough, bad breath? Are you taking antibiotics to
Vertigo treatment in Ambala
आपने कभी न कभी महसूस किया ही होगा कि अचानक से आपकी आंखों के आगे अंधेरा-सा छा गया हो, फिर चाहे आप बैठे हों या खड़े हों। साथ ही कभी न कभी आपको ऐसा भी लगा होगा कि अचानक आपका