All Eye Care Facilities Under One Roof
In today’s fast-paced world, convenience and efficiency are key. When it comes to eye care, having all facilities under one roof can make a significant difference in the quality of care and patient experience. Sri Onkar EYE & ENT Care
Glaucoma Treatment in Ambala
Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that can lead to vision loss if left untreated. At Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre in Ambala, patients receive expert care for glaucoma under the guidance of Dr. Jaspreet Aggarwal, a highly
Sri Onkar EYE & ENT Care Centre Check-Up Timings
To find the check-up timings for Sri Onkar EYE & ENT Care Centre, you can usually refer to the hospital’s official website, contact them directly, or check local listings. As of the latest information
Retinal Detachment Treatment in Ambala
Retinal detachment if caused is a condition where the delicate tissue at the back of the eye becomes detached from its normal position, leading to a loss of vision. Without prompt treatment, these small holes can rapidly progress, causing severe
Glaucoma Treatment in Ambala
जब ड्रेनेज कैनाल में ब्लॉकेज होता है, तो आंख के अंदरी द्रव जो आंख से बाहर निकलता है, वह प्राकृतिक रूप से संचित होता है। इससे आंख के अंदरी दबाव बढ़ जाता है, जिससे ऑप्टिक नर्व (नेत्रीय नर्व) को नुकसान
गर्मी में नकसीर फूटने पर करें ये आसान उपाय
नाक के अंदर मौजूद सतह की खून की वाहिनियां फटने के कारण नकसीर की समस्या होती है. हालांकि यह एक आम समस्या है. लेकिन यदि बार-बार नकसीर का होना सेहत के लिहाज से ठीक नहीं है. इसका उपचार आवश्यक है. चिलचिलाती
Nose Bleed: How to manage Epistaxis?
Rupturing of tiny blood vessels inside the nose is the main reason of nose bleeding(Epistaxis). One of the most frightening sites for a parent is to see their child bleed from the nose.
Tonsil Treatment | Tonsil Infection Treatment | Explained in Hindi
टॉन्सिल्स हमारे भारत में होने वाली सबसे आम समस्याओं में से एक है और ज्यादातर लोगों को पता नहीं होता की दरअसल टॉसिल्स सूजते क्यों हैं? यहां इस लेख में हमने टॉन्सिल्स (Tonsils meaning in Hindi) के बारे में पूरा
Covid-19 Vaccination Centre in Ambala
We feel proud to announce that Sri Onkar Eye & ENT Care Centre the best ENT hospital in Ambala City has got authorization from the government to conduct the COVID-19 Vaccination program at its premises. We are a full NABH
Paediatric Ear Care: What Parents Need To Know
Ears are critical parts of the body, contributing to both communication and balance. If neglected, these necessary appendages can lead to developmental problems in little ones, from mobility to speech and interaction issues. The remainder of this blog will discuss